Alqualondë, also known as the Haven of the Swans, is a beautiful city located on the shores of the Blessed Realm of Aman. It was founded by the Teleri Elves, who were known for their love of the sea and their skill in ship-building. Alqualondë was a bustling hub of maritime trade, and its residents enjoyed a peaceful existence until the arrival of the Noldor Elves.
The Noldor, led by Fëanor, were in pursuit of the Silmarils, the three jewels that Fëanor had created, and which had been stolen by the dark lord Morgoth. The Noldor asked the Teleri for their ships, but the Teleri refused to give them up. The Noldor then attacked the Teleri, leading to the Kinslaying of Alqualondë. Many Teleri Elves were killed, and their ships were taken by the Noldor.
The residents of Alqualondë still remember and resent the Kinslaying, and the city is a place of sorrow and mourning. The Teleri Elves have not forgotten the betrayal of the Noldor, and there is little love lost between the two elven races.
Despite the tragedy of its past, Alqualondë remains a beautiful city, with its buildings and ships adorned with swan imagery. Good and agnostic-aligned player races begin in this zone, and it serves as a hub for players to acquire spells and train their abilities.
New players should seek out Eonwe, the Herald of Manwe, for quests and direction on their next adventure.