Located in the heart of Aman, the Gardens of Lorien are the domain of two Vala: Irmo, the master of dreams and visions, and Este, the healer and restorer. These Vala are responsible for the flourishing beauty of the gardens, which are known for their lush greenery, fragrant flowers, and sparkling fountains.
According to the Silmarillion, the Gardens of Lorien were created by Yavanna, the Vala of Nature, in the early days of Arda. She planted the trees and flowers with her own hands, and then Irmo and Este were granted stewardship of the gardens by Manwe, the king of the Valar. The gardens became a sanctuary for the Elves, who were enchanted by the beauty and serenity of the place. Lorien was particularly loved by the Noldorin Elves.
As players venture into the Gardens of Lorien, they will encounter various challenges and obstacles. The forces of Morgoth have set up traps and ambushes, and the rogue giants are fiercely territorial.