Valmar, the City of Bells, is a majestic metropolis located in the heart of Aman, the land of the Valar. It was built by the Vala Aulë, who crafted the city’s exquisite architecture with his own hands. The city’s most prominent feature is its many towers, which rise high into the sky, each adorned with a bell that rings out in sweet harmony with the others.
The city’s history is intertwined with the Valar. Valmar was the center of their efforts, and it was here that they created the Two Trees of Valinor, which illuminated the city with their radiant light. Valmar was also the location of the great councils of the Valar, where they deliberated on the fate of the world and the struggles against the dark lord Melkor.
Valmar is home to a diverse population of beings, including the Valar, Maiar, and other powerful entities. The city’s residents are known for their beauty, wisdom, and great power.
Despite the locked doors to the main entrance, players can still explore the lands around Valmar and encounter various beasts and monsters that hold treasures and weapons. The wilderness around Valmar is also home to many plants and herbs with potent magical properties that can be used to aid players on their journey.
Valmar, the City of Bells, is a stunning location with a rich history and powerful residents. While the main entrance may be locked for now, players can still explore the surrounding lands and encounter various challenges and rewards.