The Woods of Orome are a vast and ancient forest that stretches across Aman, teeming with life and mystery. Named for the Vala Orome, the lord of the hunt, the woods have long been a favored hunting ground for the Vala and his loyal followers.
Recently, however, the tranquility of the Woods of Orome has been shattered by the return of Morgoth, the dark lord of Middle-earth. With his return, a host of corrupted beasts and foul creatures have invaded the woods, threatening to destroy the delicate balance of nature that Orome and his followers have worked so hard to maintain.
In response to this threat, Orome has rallied his followers and taken up arms against the invaders, leading the charge to drive them out and restore order to the woods. Players who enter the Woods of Orome will find themselves caught up in a fierce battle between the forces of light and darkness, fighting side-by-side with the Vala and his followers to defeat the corrupted beasts and restore peace to the land.
Elves and orcs have also joined the fray, each seeking to gain control of the forest. As players navigate the twisting pathways and dense undergrowth of the woods, they will encounter both friend and foe, and must use all of their cunning and skill to emerge victorious from the battle.
The Woods of Orome are a vibrant and exciting location within Aman, offering players a rich and immersive experience full of danger, adventure, and epic battles.