Name: Ikaav Ixvet Pox
Level 67
Race: Ikaav
Class: Wizard
Faction: Pixtt
Health: 230,000
Damage: 535 to 1200
Attack speed78%
Special Abilities: Quadruple Attack, Unslowable, Unmezable, Uncharmable, Unstunable, Unsnareable, Unfearable, Immune to Fleeing, Unpacifiable

This NPC is a Raid Target!

This NPC casts the following spells

Ikaav Ixvet Pox

When killed, this NPC drops

  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Ikaav Tongue (Gems) - 2% (2% Global)
  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Serpentine Tail (Combinable) - 1.515% (1.515% Global)
    2. Impervious Scales (Combinable) - 3.03% (3.03% Global)
    3. Hand of an Ikaav (Combinable) - 3.03% (3.03% Global)
    4. Dark Ikaav Heart (Combinable) - 4.545% (4.545% Global)
    5. Venomous Secretions (Combinable) - 18.182% (18.182% Global)
  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Crozier of Venom (2HB) - 22.727% (22.727% Global)
    2. Stave of the Slavers (1HB) - 24.242% (24.242% Global)
    3. Sanative Truncheon (1HB) - 22.727% (22.727% Global)
    4. Crystal Rod of Control (1HB) - 21.212% (21.212% Global)
    5. Face Mask of the Vile (Armor) - 18.182% (18.182% Global)
    6. Lightly Polished Ikaav Scale (Armor) - 18.182% (18.182% Global)
    7. Snakescale Girdle of Rage (Armor) - 28.788% (28.788% Global)
    8. Tympan of Shrieking Anguish (Percussion Instrument) - 19.697% (19.697% Global)

    Killing this NPC lowers factions with

    Killing this NPC raises factions with