Name: Deldhithor
Title: Alchemy Supplies
Level 10
Race: High Elf
Class: Shopkeeper
Faction: Iluvatar Faithful
Health: 240
Damage: 1 to 29
Attack speedNormal (100%)
Special Abilities: Uncharmable, Immune to Fleeing

This NPC does not cast spells

This NPC sells

  • Lucerne (4g)
  • Sage Leaf (4g)
  • Birthwort (4g)
  • Fenugreek (4g)
  • Maidenhair Fern (4g)
  • Mandrake Root (4g)
  • Allspice (4g)
  • Benzoin (4g)
  • Night Shade (4g)
  • Mullein (4g)
  • Wolf Blood (1p)
  • Blue Vervain Bulb (1g 7s 5c)
  • Valerian Root (1p 5g)
  • Yarrow (1p)
  • Figwort (4g)
  • Agrimony (4g)
  • Celandine Herb (3p 1g 2s 5c)
  • Medicine Bag (1p)
  • Tanaan Ginko (60p)
  • Erudition Vine (40p)
  • Infused Leaves of Vox's Dust (8p 7g 5s)
  • Infused Pollen of Vox's Dust (13p)
  • Infused Vinuk (68p 2g 5s)
  • Infused Red Hellebore (27p 4g 5s)
  • Infused Belan (3p 5s)
  • Adorned Potion Vial (8p 5g)
  • Adorning Gem Powder (10p 6s 2c)
  • Infused Leaves of Dragonwart (8p 7g 5s)
  • Infused Pollen of Dragonwart (13p)
  • Infused Blade Leaf (68p 2g 5s)
  • Infused Rosin (27p 4g 5s)
  • Infused Snakes Head Iris (3p 5s)
  • Metallic Potion Vial (8p 5g)
  • Metallic Gem Dust (10p 6s 2c)
  • Infused Leaves of Bugbane (8p 8g 5s)
  • Infused Pollen of Bugbane (13p 1g)
  • Infused Sticklewort (68p 3g 5s)
  • Infused Blue Vervain Bulb (27p 5g 5s)
  • Infused Balm Leaves (3p 1g 5s)
  • Corrupted Potion Vial (9p)
  • Corrupted Gem Dust (11p 6s 2c)
  • This NPC spawns in


  • alqualondeDeldhithor00086371522 : 90 / -245 / -4
      View Spawn On Map
      Spawns every 20 min

    Killing this NPC lowers factions with

    Killing this NPC raises factions with