Thulian Linked Helm

Class: ALL
Race: ALL

Weight: 3.7
Item Type: Armor
Rec Level: 87
Req Level: 82
AC: 94
HP: 1092
Mana: 1103
End: 1105
Strength: 28 +3
Stamina: 28 +5
Intelligence: 31 +6
Wisdom: 42 +6
Agility: 15 +3
Dexterity: 31 +4
Charisma: 27 +4
Magic Resist: 34
Fire Resist: 26
Cold Resist: 43
Disease Resist: 20
Poison Resist: 47
Attack: 29
HP Regen: 3
Mana Regen: 2
Spell Shielding: 2
Combat Effects: 4
Shielding: 2
DoT Shielding: 2
Avoidance: 4
Accuracy: 7
Stun Resist: 1
Strikethrough: 2
Damage Shield: 2

Slot 1: Type 7
Slot 2: Type 13
Slot 3: Type 21
Slot 4: Type 1
Slot 5: Type 2
Worn Effect: Faerune
Focus Effect: Magic Damage 15-60 L90

Lore: Emblazoned with the seal of the House

Value: 0 0 0 0

This item is dropped in zones

This item has been not yet been discovered.