
Class: ALL
Race: ALL
Primary, Range

Weight: 2.7
Skill: 2HB
Req Level: 65
AC: 50
HP: 240
Mana: 240
End: 240
Base Damage: 68
Delay: 38
Damage bonus: 40
Strength: 20
Stamina: 15
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 10
Agility: 15
Charisma: 15
Fire Resist: 20
Cold Resist: 15
Disease Resist: 15
Poison Resist: 15
DoT Shielding: 4

Slot 1: Type 8
Slot 2: Type 20
Combat Effect: Flame of Light
Effect chance modifier: 100%

Lore: Its light acts as a beacon of hope

Value: 0 0 0 0

This item is the result of tradeskill recipes

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