Name: Dorala Kerlian
Level 50
Race: Erudite
Class: Shopkeeper
Health: 10,364
Damage: 121 to 432
Attack speed85%
Special Abilities: Immune to Fleeing

This NPC does not cast spells

This NPC sells

  • Fiery Robe of Honor ()
  • Charred Robe of Despair ()
  • Silken Robe of Knowledge ()
  • Sage Robe of Tranquility ()
  • Embroidered Robe of Leaves ()
  • Shroud of the Mediator ()
  • Ceremonial Gown ()
  • Robe of Chaotic Pattern ()
  • Verdant Robe ()
  • Regal Velium Robe ()
  • Killing this NPC lowers factions with

    Killing this NPC raises factions with