Name: Chef Vuzcv
Level 61
Max Level: 61
Race: Mastruq
Class: Shaman
Faction: Gladiators of Mata Muram
Health: 25,000
Damage: 204 to 850
Attack speed83%
Special Abilities: Uncharmable, Unfearable

This NPC casts the following spells

Attack Proc:

  • Chaos Claws(10% proc)

    a mastruq spiritbrute
  • When killed, this NPC drops

  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Tome of Leg Slice (Scroll) - 5% (5% Global)
    2. Tome of Rage Axe (Scroll) - 5% (5% Global)
  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Pungent Slimy Shoes (Armor) - 34% (34% Global)
    2. Durable Mesh Bib (Armor) - 33% (33% Global)
    3. Stained Scale Pants (Armor) - 33% (33% Global)
  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Mastruq Tongue (Gems) - 2% (2% Global)

    Killing this NPC lowers factions with

    Killing this NPC raises factions with