Name: krup ghoul knight
Level 47
Race: Froglok
Class: Warrior
Faction: Trakanon
Health: 7,000
Damage: 38 to 145
Attack speed90%
Special Abilities: Immune to Fleeing, Immune to non-Magical Melee, Prox Aggro

This NPC does not cast spells

When killed, this NPC drops

  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Spell: Reckoning (Scroll) - 0.5% (0.5% Global)
    2. Spell: Circle of Winter (Scroll) - 0.5% (0.5% Global)
    3. Spell: Cripple (Scroll) - 0.4% (0.4% Global)
    4. Spell: Defoliation (Scroll) - 0.4% (0.4% Global)
    5. Spell: Gift of Xev (Scroll) - 0.4% (0.4% Global)
    6. Spell: Quiver of Orome (Scroll) - 0.4% (0.4% Global)
    7. Spell: Theft of Thought (Scroll) - 0.4% (0.4% Global)
  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Star Ruby (Combinable) - 1.95% (1.95% Global)
    2. Fire Emerald (Combinable) - 1.95% (1.95% Global)
    3. Sapphire (Combinable) - 1.95% (1.95% Global)
    4. Ruby (Combinable) - 1.95% (1.95% Global)
    5. Black Sapphire (Combinable) - 1.8% (1.8% Global)
  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Small Froglok Bone Vial (Gems) - 35% (35% Global)
  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Runebranded Girdle (Armor) - 0.229% (0.229% Global)
    2. Spell: Heroic Bond (Scroll) - 0.458% (0.458% Global)
    3. Spell: Form of the Howler (Scroll) - 0.229% (0.229% Global)
    4. Spell: Thrall of Bones (Scroll) - 0.229% (0.229% Global)
    5. Spell: Pillar of Lightning (Scroll) - 0.229% (0.229% Global)
    6. Spell: Dementia (Scroll) - 0.229% (0.229% Global)
  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Fire Opal (Combinable) - 2.288% (2.288% Global)
    2. Sunshard Pebble (Combinable) - 3.661% (3.661% Global)
    3. Pickled Froglok Eye (Augmentation) - 2.059% (2.059% Global)

    Killing this NPC lowers factions with

    Killing this NPC raises factions with