Bringing Goods to the Karanas


  • Type: Regular Quest
  • Minimum Level: 20
  • Maximum Level: 30
  • Repeatable: Yes
  • Quest Rewards(s):
    • Experience: 400,000
    • Money 3p 4g 3s 8c


    [1,The only road left for someone like you is the road less traveled. It's high time you extended your reach, which is why you should take the opportunity to explore the library on the ground level. Heck you might even enjoy the adventure.][2,Maybe you should explore near the North Gate...][3,Well, what an explorer you turned out to be. You should talk to Brettaru Tyco. Head to East Karana and speak with Brettaru about your travels.]


  • Explore the library
  • Explore the North Gate
  • Speak with Brettaru Tyco