Defend the Kirin Contact


  • Type: Regular Quest
  • Minimum Level: 67
  • Maximum Level: 0
  • Repeatable: No
  • Quest Rewards(s):
    • Experience: 9,600,000
    • Money 216p 5g 6s 2c


    We'd thought we made headway against the Dark Reign, but it would appear that the source that helped us stay a step ahead is endangered. One of our scouts was able to find a sympathetic ear with a kirin in the mountain pass known as The Ascent. The agreement was that this kirin would warn us of any of the Dark Reign's advances and plans. We were told that some kirin students learned of the arrangement and have been attempting to kill our ally. As beautiful as the creatures are, some are dark and deadly in their intentions. We believe if we protect our source, the other kirin may decide to abandon their anger for our ally.
