
Exp Modifier :1.33

Succor point : X (94) Y (-25) Z (3)


Galrun Starforge70 - 70 High ElfNamed
Alladria SkyetcherPottery Supplies40 - 40 High ElfNormal
Allia MoondancerCleric Spells40 - 40 High ElfNormal
Ann OmaTribute Master65 - 65 High ElfNormal
Arrias Arcanum40 - 40 High ElfNormal
Assa LeafwindCleric Spells40 - 40 High ElfNormal
a Frostfell GoblinFrostfell Helper1 - 1 GoblinNormal
a rodent1 - 1 RatNormal
Banker RylisanBanker40 - 40 High ElfNormal
Banker TintalBanker40 - 40 High ElfNormal
Bedida ClaygrinderSmithing Supplies40 - 40 DwarfNormal
Celest PalestreamCleric Spells40 - 40 High ElfNormal
Challice30 - 30 High ElfNormal
Chenori BerinalTailoring Supplies40 - 40 High ElfNormal
Elia the Pure55 - 55 High ElfNormal
Elytan RantasFishing Supplies40 - 40 High ElfNormal
Exterminator Valern40 - 40 High ElfNormal
Feraniel LeafswayBrewing Supplies40 - 40 High ElfNormal
Fireworks Engineer FabdabusFrostfell Fireworks1 - 1 GnomeNormal
Fishmonger IssaFishing Supplies40 - 40 High ElfNormal
Fishmonger JassaFishing Supplies40 - 40 High ElfNormal
General JyleelPaladin Guildmaster61 - 61 High ElfNormal
Guard Allmayn42 - 42 GuardNormal
Guard Crucorn39 - 39 GuardNormal
Guard Evital39 - 39 GuardNormal
Guard Hutian41 - 41 GuardNormal
Guard Jassong42 - 42 GuardNormal
Guard Kiston40 - 40 GuardNormal
Guard Legver40 - 40 GuardNormal
Guard Lovayn39 - 39 GuardNormal
Guard Meadom40 - 40 GuardNormal
Guard Mystan42 - 42 GuardNormal
Guard Settine39 - 39 GuardNormal
Guard Trerun40 - 40 GuardNormal
Guard Wisnyw40 - 40 GuardNormal
Hargar the Velium ChefFrostfell Cook1 - 1 DwarfNormal
Inkeeper FreegrazeGeneral Supplies40 - 40 High ElfNormal
Isyna FirspanylWeapons40 - 40 High ElfNormal
Laernian CaelaelTown Crier25 - 25 High ElfNormal
Larroniae Huial65 - 65 High ElfNormal
Lieutenant Rosaed42 - 42 GuardNormal
Lord Nethryn61 - 61 High ElfNormal
Merchant DantreeWeapons40 - 40 High ElfNormal
Merchant DeerchaserArmor40 - 40 High ElfNormal
Merchant IrontreeArmor40 - 40 High ElfNormal
Merchant IssynalSatchels40 - 40 High ElfNormal
Merchant LongarrowFletching Supplies40 - 40 High ElfNormal
Merchant NoraJewelcrafting Supplies35 - 35 High ElfNormal
Merchant SilspinJewelcrafting Supplies40 - 40 High ElfNormal
Merchant SilvenspinArmor40 - 40 High ElfNormal
Merchant SilverkaleArmor40 - 40 High ElfNormal
Merchant SorintalGeneral Supplies40 - 40 High ElfNormal
Merchant TearlanArmor40 - 40 High ElfNormal
Merchant TissanArmor40 - 40 High ElfNormal
Merchant TyslinJewelcrafting Supplies40 - 40 High ElfNormal
Nerrisia IrontreeSmithing Supplies50 - 50 High ElfNormal
Opal LeganynSmithing Supplies40 - 40 High ElfNormal
Priest of Discord50 - 50 HumanNormal
Rolyn LongwalkerGeneral Supplies40 - 40 High ElfNormal
Santug Claugg70 - 70 OgreNormal
Seleni TreekeeperPaladin Spells40 - 40 High ElfNormal
Serenica GreenfingerBaking Supplies40 - 40 High ElfNormal
Seria WoodwindPaladin Spells40 - 40 High ElfNormal
Soulbinder ElendaliraSoulbinder65 - 65 High ElfNormal
Tacar Tissleplay25 - 25 Wood ElfNormal
Tam SlyspanFishing Supplies40 - 40 High ElfNormal
Tanalin SilverkaleSmithing Supplies50 - 50 High ElfNormal
Terren StarwatcherCleric Spells40 - 40 High ElfNormal
Terri WoodshapeCleric Spells40 - 40 High ElfNormal
Tolis FearnoneWeapons40 - 40 High ElfNormal
Tolkar Parlone35 - 35 High ElfNormal
Tylar WindspiritWeapons40 - 40 High ElfNormal
Tyle SongwhisperGeneral Supplies40 - 40 High ElfNormal
TynkalePaladin Guildmaster61 - 61 High ElfNormal
Wela MuselenderGeneral Supplies40 - 40 High ElfNormal
Wellin BrookleapCleric Spells40 - 40 High ElfNormal
Yeolarn BronzeleafCleric Guildmaster61 - 61 High ElfNormal