
Exp Modifier :0.00

Succor point : X (-217) Y (-9) Z (14)


Akesli Temlo88 - 88 AlaranNamed
Alassin88 - 88 AlaranNamed
Alchemist CaiserAlchemy Supplies10 - 10 AlaranNamed
Arthik Jantis88 - 88 AlaranNamed
Atleris, Council PinnacleQuests, Missions, Raid88 - 88 AlaranNamed
Attendant Shirian88 - 88 AlaranNamed
Blacksmith ZojirathQuests88 - 88 AlaranNamed
Bookseller ShodenTradeskill Books10 - 10 AlaranNamed
Bursin the LegendQuest90 - 90 AlaranNamed
Captain PortenciaMission93 - 93 AlaranNamed
Captain WalkathQuests90 - 90 AlaranNamed
Commander Ilvestra90 - 90 AlaranNamed
Commander Jesala89 - 89 AlaranNamed
Cultural Scholar FahstCultural Supplies10 - 10 AlaranNamed
General Tyronith93 - 93 AlaranNamed
Hauler Dinalo88 - 88 AlaranNamed
Influencer Zagrala91 - 91 AlaranNamed
Intellector Galdon92 - 92 AlaranNamed
Kanleth`s corpse98 - 98 AlaranNamed
KelurArmor Merchant92 - 92 AlaranNamed
Lanessic Elset88 - 88 AlaranNamed
Magistrate Altara88 - 88 AlaranNamed
Mechanic Dalaber88 - 88 AlaranNamed
Mechanic VitesalMission88 - 88 AlaranNamed
Mizzenblast88 - 88 GnomeNamed
Noble Allingvy88 - 88 AlaranNamed
Potter YogenPottery Supplies10 - 10 AlaranNamed
Record Keeper Talantia88 - 88 AlaranNamed
Researcher KasmosResearch Supplies10 - 10 AlaranNamed
RisathronQuests88 - 88 AlaranNamed
Spelltamer Ankresh88 - 88 AlaranNamed
Steel Mass92 - 92 GooNamed
Supplykeeper ProxipidQuests88 - 88 AlaranNamed
Toxicologist SalvetPoison Supplies10 - 10 AlaranNamed
Troopwielder Balath88 - 88 AlaranNamed
Troopwielder BarisQuest88 - 88 AlaranNamed
Troopwielder LatakanQuest88 - 88 AlaranNamed
Troopwielder Stalvec88 - 88 AlaranNamed
YaunArmor Merchant91 - 91 AlaranNamed
an abandoned naeya88 - 88 WolfNormal
an Argathian archer88 - 88 AlaranNormal
an Argathian bombardier88 - 88 AlaranNormal
an Argathian champion89 - 89 AlaranNormal
an Argathian citizen88 - 88 AlaranNormal
an Argathian Council Member88 - 88 AlaranNormal
an Argathian defector89 - 89 AlaranNormal
an Argathian guard88 - 88 AlaranNormal
an Argathian hauler88 - 88 AlaranNormal
an Argathian legend90 - 90 AlaranNormal
an Argathian mechanic88 - 88 AlaranNormal
an Argathian noble88 - 88 AlaranNormal
an Argathian sentinel90 - 90 AlaranNormal
an Argathian soil tender88 - 88 AlaranNormal
an Argathian spelltamer88 - 88 AlaranNormal
an Argathian traitor88 - 88 AlaranNormal
an Argathian troopwielder88 - 88 AlaranNormal
an Erillian siege runner88 - 88 AlaranNormal
an Erillian soother90 - 90 AlaranNormal
an exhalation88 - 88 DervishNormal
a battered sentry stone99 - 99 Alaran Sentry StoneNormal
a Blade Guide of Erillion90 - 90 AlaranNormal
a Blade Overseer of Erillion92 - 92 AlaranNormal
a Blade Regulant of Erillion91 - 91 AlaranNormal
a catapult90 - 90 Normal
a craet looter85 - 85 AlaranNormal
a dark deathcaller90 - 90 AlaranNormal
a dark mesmer91 - 91 AlaranNormal
a dark spellrazer91 - 91 AlaranNormal
a footsoldier of Erillion89 - 89 AlaranNormal
a forge attendant88 - 88 AlaranNormal
a forge channeler88 - 88 AlaranNormal
a greedy looter88 - 88 AlaranNormal
a hungry thief88 - 88 AlaranNormal
a long range caster91 - 91 AlaranNormal
a malevolent exhalation85 - 85 DervishNormal
a palace retainer88 - 88 AlaranNormal
a plated berserker92 - 92 AlaranNormal
a plated juggernaut91 - 91 AlaranNormal
a plated slaughterer91 - 91 AlaranNormal
a record keeper88 - 88 AlaranNormal
a refugee of Lunanyn88 - 88 AlaranNormal
a relocated citizen88 - 88 AlaranNormal
a sentry stone99 - 99 Alaran Sentry StoneNormal
a steel cyclone90 - 90 DervishNormal
a steel cylcone90 - 90 DervishNormal
a steel hurricane91 - 91 DervishNormal
a wall90 - 90 Normal
a Windsong transport88 - 88 DervishNormal
a wind archer88 - 88 AlaranNormal
a wind tamer88 - 88 AlaranNormal
a wind trooper85 - 85 AlaranNormal
a worn sentry stone99 - 99 Alaran Sentry StoneNormal
DanibiMelee Tomes92 - 92 AlaranNormal
EphiniaCleric and Paladin Spells92 - 92 AlaranNormal
FSP`General`NoEffect1 - 1 CampfireNormal
Ilvestra`s escort89 - 89 AlaranNormal
Indestructible Veilbreaker Mk.II99 - 99 Blimp ShipNormal
living steel90 - 90 GooNormal
MatimaWizard and Magician Spells92 - 92 AlaranNormal
molten steel91 - 91 GooNormal
NoriBard and Enchanter Spells92 - 92 AlaranNormal
Prilt the SummonerAuras, Summons, and Illusions92 - 92 AlaranNormal
ShelifShadowknights and Necromancers92 - 92 AlaranNormal
StupShaman and Beastlord Spells92 - 92 AlaranNormal
WonavRanger and Druid Spells92 - 92 AlaranNormal
Zagrala`s escort89 - 89 AlaranNormal