Name: Alchemist Redsa
Title: Alchemy Supplies
Level 100
Race: Troll
Class: Shopkeeper
Health: 6,800
Damage: 32 to 184
Attack speedNormal (100%)
Special Abilities: Unmezable, Uncharmable, Unstunable, Unsnareable, Unfearable, Immune to Melee, Immune to Magic, Immune to non-Bane Melee, Immune to non-Magical Melee

This NPC does not cast spells

This NPC sells

  • Lucerne (4g)
  • Sage Leaf (4g)
  • Birthwort (4g)
  • Fenugreek (4g)
  • Maidenhair Fern (4g)
  • Mandrake Root (4g)
  • Allspice (4g)
  • Benzoin (4g)
  • Night Shade (4g)
  • Mullein (4g)
  • Dhea (4g)
  • Mercury (3p 7g 5s)
  • Elderberry (4g)
  • Wolf Blood (1p)
  • Comfrey (4g)
  • Blue Vervain Bulb (1g 7s 5c)
  • Valerian Root (1p 5g)
  • Yarrow (1p)
  • Figwort (4g)
  • Agrimony (4g)
  • Fennel (1p 2g 5s)
  • Clubmoss (3p 1g 2s 5c)
  • Jatamasi (2p 5g)
  • Sumbul (2p 5g)
  • Celandine Herb (3p 1g 2s 5c)
  • Eucalyptus Leaf (2p 5g)
  • Clover (4g)
  • Hydrangea (4p 3g 7s 5c)
  • Heliotrope (24p 6g 8s 8c)
  • Oakmoss (50p)
  • Bladderwrack (50p)
  • Sandalwood (50p)
  • Mystic Ash (7p 5g)
  • Echinacea (2p 5g)
  • Hyssop (2p 5g)
  • Lady's Mantle (1p 2g 5s)
  • Cloudy Potion (5p)
  • Alkanet Root (2s 5c)
  • Mugwart (3p 5g)
  • Yebamante (25p)
  • Sticklewort (5c)
  • Bistort (5p)
  • Boneset (12p 4g 2s 6c)
  • Eyebright (4g)
  • Sea Spirit (16p 7g 2s 9c)
  • Burdock Root (4g)
  • Stinging Nettle (6p 5g)
  • Damiana (4g)
  • Ground Figwort (4g)
  • Horehound (4g)
  • Vetiver Root (22p 9g 3s 3c)
  • Bugbane (3g 7s 5c)
  • Feverfew (4g)
  • Woundwart (4g)
  • Balm Leaves (2p)
  • Elf Leaf (35p 5g 3s 8c)
  • Larkspur (1g 7s 5c)
  • Dragonwart (1p)
  • Bundle of Wormwood (5g 8s)
  • Cork (1c)
  • Medicine Bag (1p)
  • Hastily Written List (1p)
  • Wormwood (10p)
  • Resin (5g)
  • Tri-Fern Leaf (4g)
  • Star Reach Clover (4g)
  • Sickle Leaf (4g)
  • Violet Tri-Tube Sap (1g 2s 5c)
  • Betherium Bark (3g)
  • Blade Leaf (2p 5g)
  • Yerbhimba (4g)
  • Duskglow Vine (4g)
  • Maliak Leaf (2p 5g)
  • Tanaan Ginko (60p)
  • Erudition Vine (40p)
  • Gold Embossed Potion Vial (4p 2g 5s)
  • Platinum Embossed Potion Vial (5p 5g)
  • Dragon Runed Potion Vial (6p 7g 5s)
  • Trillium (3p 7g 5s)
  • Angelica (5p)
  • Vervian (6p 2g 5s)
  • Cinquefoil (1p 1g 5s)
  • Goldenseal (1p 4g 5s)
  • Cresson (1p 7g 5s)
  • Pinkroot (37p 5g)
  • Yyamilin (51p 2g 5s)
  • Hypericum (8p)
  • Usneq (8p 7g 5s)
  • Bruisewort (9p 5g)
  • Skullcap (10p 2g 5s)
  • Sour Clover (15p 4g 8s 7c)
  • Sumac (18p 4g 6s 2c)
  • Centella (21p 4g 5s)
  • Beyond Jonas (50p)
  • Methysticum (2g)
  • Clivers (2g)
  • Distillate of Spirituality I (5s)
  • Distillate of Spirituality II (1g)
  • Distillate of Spirituality III (3g 4s)
  • Distillate of Spirituality IV (3g 8s 7c)
  • Distillate of Spirituality V (1p)
  • Distillate of Spirituality VI (1p 2s 9c)
  • Distillate of Spirituality VII (2p 2g)
  • Distillate of Spirituality VIII (1p 4g 8s)
  • Distillate of Spirituality IX (4g 2s 1c)
  • Distillate of Spirituality X (1g 6s 7c)
  • Distillate of Replenishment I (5s)
  • Distillate of Replenishment II (1g)
  • Distillate of Replenishment III (3g 4s)
  • Distillate of Replenishment IV (3g 8s 7c)
  • Distillate of Replenishment V (1p)
  • Distillate of Replenishment VI (1p 2s 9c)
  • Distillate of Replenishment VII (2p 2g)
  • Distillate of Replenishment VIII (1p 4g 8s)
  • Distillate of Replenishment IX (4g 2s 1c)
  • Distillate of Replenishment X (1g 6s 7c)
  • Discoveries From The Teachings of Jonas (4p)
  • Anise (3g 1s 3c)
  • Grande Wormwood (3p 1g 2s 5c)
  • Infused Sticklewort Leaves (7p 5g)
  • Infused Sticklewort Pollen (12p 2g 5s)
  • Infused Larkspur (66p 2g 5s)
  • Infused Thorny Ergot (23p 4g 5s)
  • Infused Cicino (2p 5g 5s)
  • Chronal Infused Potion Vial (8p)
  • Infused Fangorth (45p)
  • Void Powered Potions (20p)
  • Storm Cloud (4g)
  • Nettle Creeper (4g)
  • Blue Nightwort (4g)
  • Marsh Algae (4g)
  • Bulb Lotus (4g)
  • Prism Grains (4g)
  • Fire Spore (4g)
  • Stinging Crystal (4g)
  • Bongo's Hot Chili Spice (6p)
  • Icicle Ivy (4g)
  • Pickleberry Extract (4g)
  • Acaana (4g)
  • Angurth (4g)
  • Arroweed (4g)
  • Belan (4s)
  • Berterine (1p 3g 7s 5c)
  • Bitterwood (4g)
  • Blackwort (10p)
  • Cicino (2c)
  • Curuloth (4g)
  • Dinfuin (75p)
  • Earthwort (10p)
  • Fangorth (22p)
  • Flamewort (4g)
  • Glyvir (5p)
  • Hemlock Liquid (40p)
  • Hemlock Powder (4g)
  • Jadaras (5p)
  • Kaktu (115p)
  • Nimnaur (12p)
  • Pangwood (30p)
  • Primhock (30p)
  • Sarnumen (20p)
  • Seathorn (4g)
  • Suranie (4g)
  • Thrayniis (14p)
  • Vinuk (7g 5s)
  • Waterwort (10p)
  • Welwal (9p)
  • Wolfwort (10p)
  • Yellow Rheum (4g)
  • Infused Leaves of Vox's Dust (8p 7g 5s)
  • Infused Pollen of Vox's Dust (13p)
  • Infused Vinuk (68p 2g 5s)
  • Infused Red Hellebore (27p 4g 5s)
  • Infused Belan (3p 5s)
  • Adorned Potion Vial (8p 5g)
  • Adorning Gem Powder (10p 6s 2c)
  • Infused Leaves of Dragonwart (8p 7g 5s)
  • Infused Pollen of Dragonwart (13p)
  • Infused Blade Leaf (68p 2g 5s)
  • Infused Rosin (27p 4g 5s)
  • Infused Snakes Head Iris (3p 5s)
  • Metallic Potion Vial (8p 5g)
  • Metallic Gem Dust (10p 6s 2c)
  • Aloe (4g)
  • Briar Thistle (4g)
  • Dihedral Burin (30p)
  • White Gold Ingot (1000p)
  • Black Gold Ingot (6000p)
  • Rosin (200p)
  • Mastic (300p)
  • Buffing Sheets (3p)
  • Hydroabrasive (30p)
  • Fine Hydroabrasive (50p)
  • Mark of Aggression (1p)
  • Mark of Quickness (1p)
  • Mark of Alacrity (1p)
  • Mark of Celerity (1p)
  • Mark of Efficiency (1p)
  • Mark of Potency (1p)
  • Mark of Healing (1p)
  • Mark of Extension (1p)
  • Mark of Virility (1p)
  • Mark of Haste (1p)
  • Mark of Dexterity (1p)
  • Mark of Sundering (1p)
  • Mark of Battle (1p)
  • Mark of Sight (1p)
  • Mark of Ferocity (1p)
  • Open Letter - Part 1 (1c)
  • Open Letter - Part 2 (1c)
  • Distillate of Celestial Healing I (3s 4c)
  • Distillate of Celestial Healing II (8s 5c)
  • Distillate of Celestial Healing III (3g 4s)
  • Distillate of Celestial Healing IV (3g 7s 2c)
  • Distillate of Celestial Healing V (1p)
  • Distillate of Celestial Healing VI (1p 1s 4c)
  • Distillate of Celestial Healing VII (2p 2g)
  • Distillate of Celestial Healing VIII (1p 4g 6s 5c)
  • Distillate of Celestial Healing IX (4g 7c)
  • Distillate of Celestial Healing X (1g 5s 2c)
  • Distillate of Divine Healing I (5s)
  • Distillate of Divine Healing II (1g)
  • Distillate of Divine Healing III (3g 4s)
  • Distillate of Divine Healing IV (3g 8s 7c)
  • Distillate of Divine Healing V (1p)
  • Distillate of Divine Healing VI (1p 2s 9c)
  • Distillate of Divine Healing VII (2p 2g)
  • Distillate of Divine Healing VIII (1p 4g 8s)
  • Distillate of Divine Healing IX (4g 2s 1c)
  • Distillate of Divine Healing X (1g 6s 7c)
  • Distillate of Health I (5s)
  • Distillate of Health II (1g 3s 9c)
  • Distillate of Health III (3g 4s)
  • Distillate of Health IV (4g 2s 6c)
  • Distillate of Health V (1p)
  • Distillate of Health VI (5g)
  • Distillate of Health VII (2p)
  • Distillate of Health VIII (1p 5g 1s 9c)
  • Distillate of Health IX (4g 6s 1c)
  • Distillate of Health X (2g 6c)
  • Distillate of Alacrity I (5s)
  • Distillate of Alacrity II (1g 5s)
  • Distillate of Alacrity III (3g 4s)
  • Distillate of Alacrity IV (5g 5c)
  • Distillate of Alacrity V (1p)
  • Distillate of Alacrity VI (1p)
  • Distillate of Alacrity VII (2p 2g)
  • Distillate of Alacrity VIII (1p 5g 9s 7c)
  • Distillate of Alacrity IX (5g 3s 9c)
  • Distillate of Alacrity X (2g 5s)
  • Distillate of Clarity I (5s)
  • Distillate of Clarity II (1g 3s 9c)
  • Distillate of Clarity III (3g 4s)
  • Distillate of Clarity IV (4g 2s 6c)
  • Distillate of Clarity V (1p)
  • Distillate of Clarity VI (1p 6s 8c)
  • Distillate of Clarity VII (2p 2g)
  • Distillate of Clarity VIII (1p 5g 1s 9c)
  • Distillate of Clarity IX (4g 6s 1c)
  • Distillate of Clarity X (2g 6c)
  • Throwing Better Things - Part 1 (1c)
  • Throwing Better Things - Part 2 (1c)
  • Small Vial (1s)
  • Tregrum (2g)
  • Gerti Blossom (1g 2s 5c)
  • Cententialspore (4g)
  • Katuka Bark (4g)
  • Arnworth (8g)
  • Alchemical Potion Vial (10p)
  • Primitive Potion Vial (1s)
  • Crude Potion Vial (2s)
  • Rough Potion Vial (1g 2s 5c)
  • Makeshift Potion Vial (5g)
  • Simple Potion Vial (7g 5s)
  • Plain Potion Vial (7g 5s)
  • Smooth Potion Vial (1p 2g 5s)
  • Fine Potion Vial (1p 7g 5s)
  • Gemmed Potion Vial (2p 2g 5s)
  • Runed Potion Vial (3p)
  • Pinch of Allspice (4c)
  • Pinch of Benzoin (4c)
  • Birthwort Leaf (4c)
  • Pinch of Burdock Root (4c)
  • Eyebright Leaf (4c)
  • Fenugreek Leaf (4c)
  • Lucerne Leaf (4c)
  • Maidenhair Fern Leaf (4c)
  • Pinch of Mandrake Root (4c)
  • Mullein Leaf (4c)
  • Night Shade Leaf (4c)
  • Single Sage Leaf (4c)
  • Measure of Allspice (8s)
  • Measure of Benzoin (8s)
  • Sprig of Birthwort (8s)
  • Section of Burdock Root (8s)
  • Sprig of Eyebright (8s)
  • Sprig of Fenugreek (8s)
  • Sprig of Lucerne (8s)
  • Sprig of Maidenhair Fern (8s)
  • Section of Mandrake Root (8s)
  • Sprig of Mullein (8s)
  • Sprig of Night Shade (8s)
  • Sprig of Sage Leaves (8s)
  • Handful of Allspice (8g)
  • Handful of Benzoin (8g)
  • Bundle of Birthwort (8g)
  • Bundle of Burdock Roots (8g)
  • Bundle of Eyebright (8g)
  • Bundle of Fenugreek (8g)
  • Bundle of Lucerne (8g)
  • Bundle of Maidenhair Fern (8g)
  • Bundle of Mandrake Roots (8g)
  • Bundle of Mullein (8g)
  • Bundle of Night Shade (8g)
  • Bundle of Sage Leaves (8g)
  • Sprig of Duskglow Vine (8s)
  • Bundle of Duskglow Vine (8g)
  • Fragment of Acaana (1c)
  • Acaana Leaf (4c)
  • Sprig of Acaana (8s)
  • Bundle of Acaana (8g)
  • Fragment of Angurth (1c)
  • Angurth Leaf (4c)
  • Sprig of Angurth (8s)
  • Bundle of Angurth (8g)
  • Fragment of Arroweed (1c)
  • Arroweed Leaf (4c)
  • Sprig of Arroweed (8s)
  • Bundle of Arroweed (8g)
  • Splinter of Bitterwood (1c)
  • Bitterwood Twig (4c)
  • Bundle of Bitterwood Twigs (8s)
  • Bundle of Bitterwood (8g)
  • Grain of Bulb Lotus Pollen (1c)
  • Pinch of Bulb Lotus Pollen (4c)
  • Bulb Lotus Petal (8s)
  • Bundle of Bulb Lotus (8g)
  • Fragment of Fire Spore (1c)
  • Fire Spore Leaf (4c)
  • Sprig of Fire Spore (8s)
  • Bundle of Fire Spore (8g)
  • Fragment of Flamewort (1c)
  • Flamewort Leaf (4c)
  • Sprig of Flamewort (8s)
  • Bundle of Flamewort (8g)
  • Fragment of Icicle Ivy (1c)
  • Icicle Ivy Leaf (4c)
  • Sprig of Icicle Ivy (8s)
  • Bundle of Icicle Ivy (8g)
  • Single Prism Grain (1c)
  • Pinch of Prism Grains (4c)
  • Measure of Prism Grains (8s)
  • Handful of Prism Grains (8g)
  • Fragment of Seathorn (1c)
  • Seathorn Leaf (4c)
  • Sprig of Seathorn (8s)
  • Bundle of Seathorn (8g)
  • Stinging Crystal Dust (1c)
  • Sliver of Stinging Crystal (4c)
  • Shard of Stinging Crystal (8s)
  • Large Stinging Crystal (8g)
  • Fragment of Suranie (1c)
  • Suranie Leaf (4c)
  • Sprig of Suranie (8s)
  • Bundle of Suranie (8g)
  • Fragment of Yellow Rheum (1c)
  • Yellow Rheum Leaf (4c)
  • Sprig of Yellow Rheum (8s)
  • Bundle of Yellow Rheum (8g)
  • Nettle Creeper Leaf (4c)
  • Sprig of Nettle Creeper (8s)
  • Bundle of Nettle Creeper (8g)
  • Pinch of Blue Nightwort Pollen (4c)
  • Blue Nightwort Petal (8s)
  • Bundle of Blue Nightwort (8g)
  • Segment of Marsh Algae (4c)
  • Marsh Algae Leaf (8s)
  • Bundle of Marsh Algae (8g)
  • Figwort Leaf (4c)
  • Sprig of Figwort (8s)
  • Bundle of Figwort (8g)
  • Agrimony Leaf (4c)
  • Sprig of Agrimony (8s)
  • Bundle of Agrimony (8g)
  • Sumbul Leaf (4c)
  • Sprig of Sumbul (8s)
  • Bundle of Sumbul (8g)
  • Elderberry Leaf (4c)
  • Sprig of Elderberry (8s)
  • Bundle of Elderberry (8g)
  • Drop of Dhea (4c)
  • Measure of Dhea (8s)
  • Dhea Concentrate (8g)
  • Briar Thistle Tip (4c)
  • Briar Thistle Thorn (8s)
  • Bundle of Briar Thistle (8g)
  • Aloe Thorn (4c)
  • Aloe Tip (8s)
  • Bundle of Aloe (8g)
  • Pinch of Clover Pollen (4c)
  • Clover Leaf (8s)
  • Bundle of Clover (8g)
  • Drop of Pickleberry Extract (4c)
  • Measure of Pickleberry Extract (8s)
  • Pickleberry Extract Concentrate (8g)
  • Storm Cloud Leaf (4c)
  • Sprig of Storm Cloud (8s)
  • Bundle of Storm Cloud (8g)
  • Woundwart Leaf (4c)
  • Sprig of Woundwart (8s)
  • Bundle of Woundwart (8g)
  • Chip of Katuka Bark (4c)
  • Piece of Katuka Bark (8s)
  • Handful of Katuka Bark (8g)
  • Grain of Cententialspore (4c)
  • Pinch of Cententialspore (8s)
  • Bundle of Cententialspore (8g)
  • Drop of Wolf Blood (4c)
  • Dash of Wolf Blood (8s)
  • Measure of Wolf Blood (4g)
  • Grain of Hemlock Powder (4c)
  • Measure of Hemlock Powder (8s)
  • Handful of Hemlock Powder (8g)
  • Comfrey Leaf (4c)
  • Sprig of Comfrey (8s)
  • Bundle of Comfrey (8g)
  • Feverfew Leaf (4c)
  • Sprig of Feverfew (8s)
  • Bundle of Feverfew (8g)
  • Fragment of Tri-Fern Leaf (4c)
  • Piece of Tri-Fern Leaf (8s)
  • Bundle of Tri-Fern Leaves (8g)
  • Grain of Star Reach Clover Pollen (4c)
  • Star Reach Clover Pollen (8s)
  • Bundle of Star Reach Clover (8g)
  • Fragment of Sickle Leaf (4c)
  • Piece of Sickle Leaf (8s)
  • Bundle of Sickle Leaves (8g)
  • Yerbhimba Leaf (4c)
  • Sprig of Yerbhimba (8s)
  • Bundle of Yerbhimba (8g)
  • Piece of Ground Figwort (4c)
  • Pinch of Ground Figwort (8s)
  • Handful of Ground Figwort (8g)
  • Horehound Leaf (4c)
  • Sprig of Horehound (8s)
  • Bundle of Horehound (8g)
  • Curuloth Leaf (4c)
  • Sprig of Curuloth (8s)
  • Bundle of Curuloth (8g)
  • Damiana Leaf (4c)
  • Sprig of Damiana (8s)
  • Bundle of Damiana (8g)
  • Liquid Power (1p)
  • The Liquid Mask (1p)
  • Boneset Leaf (4c)
  • Sprig of Boneset (8s)
  • Bundle of Boneset (8g)
  • Infused Leaves of Bugbane (8p 8g 5s)
  • Infused Pollen of Bugbane (13p 1g)
  • Infused Sticklewort (68p 3g 5s)
  • Infused Blue Vervain Bulb (27p 5g 5s)
  • Infused Balm Leaves (3p 1g 5s)
  • Corrupted Potion Vial (9p)
  • Corrupted Gem Dust (11p 6s 2c)
  • Killing this NPC lowers factions with

    Killing this NPC raises factions with