Name: Galremos
Level 63
Race: Golem
Class: Warrior
Faction: KOS
Health: 300,000
Damage: 129 to 509
Attack speed75%
Special Abilities: Unmezable, Uncharmable, Unstunable, Unfearable, Immune to Fleeing

This NPC is a Raid Target!

This NPC casts the following spells

unity of fire

When killed, this NPC drops

  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Obsidian Plated Pauldrons (Armor) - 25% (25% Global)
    2. Padded Leather Tunic (Armor) - 25% (25% Global)
    3. Sanguine Slippers (Armor) - 25% (25% Global)
    4. Flameforge Hammer (1HB) - 25% (25% Global)