Name: a phantasm
Level 49
Race: Spectre
Class: Warrior
Faction: KOS
Health: 14,285
Damage: 48 to 143
Attack speed89%
Special Abilities: Immune to non-Magical Melee, Ignore Root Aggro

This NPC is a Raid Target!

This NPC casts the following spells

Attack Proc:

  • Scareling Step(10% proc)

    a phantasm
  • When killed, this NPC drops

  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Rune of Concussion (Combinable) - 8.25% (8.25% Global)
    2. Rune of Frost (Combinable) - 8.25% (8.25% Global)
    3. Rune of Crippling (Combinable) - 7.7% (7.7% Global)
    4. Tears of Prexus (Combinable) - 7.7% (7.7% Global)
    5. Words of Requisition (Combinable) - 7.7% (7.7% Global)
    6. Words of Acquisition (Beza) (Combinable) - 7.7% (7.7% Global)
    7. Words of Odus (Combinable) - 7.7% (7.7% Global)