Spell: Pulse of Renewal


Classes Bard (86)
When cast on youYour body is pulsing with mystical power.
When fadingThe mystical power fades.
Casting time3 sec
Recovery time0 sec
Recast time0 sec
TargetGroup teleport
AoE Range60
Duration18 sec (3 ticks)

Spell Effects

    1 : Effect type: Increase Spell Healing by 8%
    2 : Effect type: Limit: Max Level (90)
    3 : Effect type: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints allowed)
    4 : Effect type: Limit: Instant spells only
    5 : Effect type: Limit: Spell Type(Detrimental only)
    6 : Effect type: Limit: Spell(Complete Healing)
    7 : Effect type: Limit: Spell(Complete Heal)
    8 : Effect type: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed
    9 : Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 84 per tick
    10 : Effect type: Increase Mana by 53 per tick (total 0)
    11 : Effect type: by 7

Items with spell