Clearing the Mines


  • Type: Regular Quest
  • Minimum Level: 35
  • Maximum Level: 50
  • Repeatable: Yes
  • Quest Rewards(s):
    • Experience: 500,000
    • Money 29p 7g 9s 2c


    [1,Enemies are always closer than you think, aren't they? That's exactly what you're going to learn on your journey today. They're much closer than you think so there's no time to waste. Just speak with Sidern Delangan for information on exactly what you need to do to get to the bottom of this dilemma.][2,By now you're beginning to understand the complexities of the situation, aren't you? You're learning how problematic it can be to have to fight off your cohorts when they go bad. Sadly, you're going to have to take the road less traveled and kill 10 greater kobolds.][3,Then there are times when those you slaughter weren't friends at all. It's a shame you had to be deceived like that, but those mongrels were causing too many problems. Now you are ready to face the threat of someone even closer than before. You need to kill 10 gnomish miners. Wipe them out. In addition, they're holding very sensitive items that need to be recovered. While you're out cleaning up the mess, make sure you loot 4 Gnome Meat.][4,Once again you've proven that you can take the hard assignments and come out without a scratch. It's quite an accomplishment and it means you're almost done. Just deliver 4 Gnome Meat to Symbell Sunara to finish everything off.]
