Time for Bed


  • Type: Regular Quest
  • Minimum Level: 40
  • Maximum Level: 0
  • Repeatable: No
  • Quest Rewards(s):
    • Experience: 1,300,000
    • Money 94p 3g 1c


    [1,The world is growing at an alarming rate and there aren't enough plots of land available for everyone and their livestock to live in. That's why it's up to you to find some new plots of land. Your first target is going to be nearby, which is why you need to explore the sleeping quarters in the southern mines. You'll know once you arrive if it's a good place of property or not.][2,That wasn't the most hospitable place in the world, especially not for a family, but there are plenty of other locations you can visit. This time, why don't you explore the ship Oceancrasher at one of the eastern docks,? You're bound to get lucky sooner or later and find a suitable living spot.][3,It's interesting that there wasn't a good area anywhere. You're going to have to let the prospective buyers know about it, so speak with Dellthuea, to give them the bad news.]


  • Explore the sleeping quarters in the southern mines
  • Explore the ship Oceancrasher
  • Speak with Dellthuea