Aman – Home of the Valar primarily uses zones from the Everquest Veil of Alaris expansion. All zones have revamped NPC stats, quests, loots, and more. See the list below for a description of each zone. For NPC and loot information, please visit the Aman Allaclone.
Released Zones
Zones | Level Range |
Alqualonde | 1-45 |
Avathar, the Land of Shadows | 50-60 |
Bazaar | N/A |
Corrupted Tree | 45-60 |
Gardens of Lorien | 25-50 |
Halls of Mandos | N/A |
Pastures of Yavanna | 25-45 |
Pelori Mountains | 1-30 |
Shrine of Yavanna | 35-50 |
Temple of Osse | 50-60 |
Tirion | 35-50 |
Valmar, City of Bells (only regions outside of the city are open) | 25-35 |
Woods of Orome | 5-30 |
Future Zones
Zones | Level Range |
Caves of the Forgotten | TBD |
Ilmarin, the Halls of Manwe | 60+ |
Mansion of Olwe | 45-60 |
Taniquetil, the Holy Mountain | 40-50 |
Tol Eressea | TBD |
The Void | 60+ |