Faydarks Champions

NPCs whose death raise faction

in Butcherblock Mountains by
  • an orc oracle (68055)
  • an orc scoutsman (68169)
  • an orc scoutsman (68200)
  • an orc scoutsman (68056)
  • an orc oracle (68168)
  • orc centurion (68190)
  • orc runner (68223)
  • orc pawn (68263)

  • in Crushbone by
  • orc slaver (58016)
  • orc slaver (58029)
  • orc slaver (58039)
  • orc slaver (58053)
  • orc pawn (58001)
  • orc legionnaire (58008)
  • orc centurion (58015)
  • orc centurion (58000)
  • orc centurion (58004)
  • orc centurion (58003)
  • orc centurion (58005)
  • orc centurion (58006)
  • orc centurion (58009)
  • orc oracle (58024)
  • orc oracle (58037)
  • orc oracle (58038)
  • orc emissary (58025)
  • orc emissary (58027)
  • orc emissary (58041)
  • orc emissary (58055)
  • orc legionnaire (58026)
  • orc legionnaire (58036)
  • orc legionnaire (58045)
  • orc legionnaire (58054)
  • Lord Darish (58028)
  • royal guard (58030)
  • The Prophet (58031)
  • Emperor Crush (58032)
  • The Fabled Emperor Crush (58057)
  • orc slaver (58011)
  • orc slaver (58012)
  • orc slaver (58033)
  • orc slaver (58034)
  • orc trainer (58013)
  • orc trainer (58035)
  • orc taskmaster (58040)
  • Orc Scoutsman (58042)
  • an orc thaumaturgist (58043)
  • Orc Warden (58047)
  • orc warlord (58002)

  • in Dagnor's Cauldron by
  • an exiled legionnaire (70001)
  • an orc scout (70011)
  • an orc scout (70042)
  • an orc scout (70010)

  • in The Greater Faydark by
  • orc oracle (54001)
  • orc centurion (54003)
  • orc pawn (54015)
  • orc centurion (54016)
  • orc centurion (54037)
  • orc centurion (54190)
  • orc centurion (54004)
  • orc centurion (54008)
  • orc oracle (54019)
  • orc centurion (54188)
  • a mature arborean (54006)
  • an arborean sapling (54009)
  • an orc arsonist (54039)
  • Gurleg Bribgok (54040)
  • an arborean sapling (54057)
  • orc centurion (54027)
  • orc oracle (54185)
  • orc centurion (54187)
  • orc shaman (54194)
  • orc shaman (54200)
  • orc hatchetman (54193)
  • orc shaman (54195)
  • Centurion Relgle (54198)

  • in The Lesser Faydark by
  • orc centurion (57003)
  • orc legionnaire (57136)
  • orc centurion (57001)
  • orc centurion (57015)
  • orc centurion (57020)
  • orc centurion (57004)
  • orc oracle (57040)
  • orc oracle (57090)
  • orc chief (57041)
  • orc chief (57085)
  • orc centurion (57056)

  • in The Nektulos Forest by
  • orc runner (25438)

  • in West Commonlands by
  • orc oracle (21096)
  • orc weaponsmith (21155)

  • NPCs whom death lowers the faction

    in Butcherblock Mountains by
  • Deldryn Splendyr (68073)

  • in Crushbone by
  • an elven slave (58014)
  • an elven slave (58022)

  • in Dagnor's Cauldron by
  • Elmion Hendrys (70005)

  • in East Freeport by
  • Jyle Windshot (10008)
  • Jyle Windshot (10138)
  • Jyle Windshot (10175)
  • Tlin Bowfright (10186)

  • in Eastern Plains of Karana by
  • Althele (15044)
  • Ganelorn Oast (15056)

  • in High Keep by
  • Rodrick Marslett (6056)

  • in Najena by
  • Linara Parlone (44057)

  • in Northern Felwithe by
  • Tolkar Parlone (61011)

  • in Ocean of Tears by
  • Styria Fearnon (69008)
  • Larisa Gelrith (69014)
  • Ascania Halvbin (69015)
  • Tegea Prendyn (69017)
  • Euboea Delewyn (69022)
  • Antinime (69026)
  • Paeonia Purnn (69030)
  • Sister of Erollisi (69043)
  • Sister of Erollisi (69049)
  • Sister of Erollisi (69050)
  • Sister of Erollisi (69051)
  • Phocaea Hapspenn (69053)
  • Seplawishinl Bladeblight (69060)
  • Cleonae Kalen (69110)
  • Valaryn Elben (69080)

  • in Southern Felwithe by
  • Elishia Leafrunner (62017)
  • Tarker Blazetoss (62019)
  • Kinool Goldsinger (62020)
  • Niola Impholder (62021)
  • Yuin Starchaser (62036)

  • in Steamfont Mountains by
  • Legyn Sarawyn (56079)

  • in The Burning Wood by
  • Telin Darkforest (87082)

  • in The Erudin Palace by
  • Trilani Parlone (23020)
  • Barodreth Firefingers (23076)

  • in The Greater Faydark by
  • Salani Tunfar (54000)
  • Kindl Lunsight (54191)
  • Salani Tunfar (54192)
  • Salani Tunfar (54196)
  • Hendricks (54028)
  • Linadian (54050)
  • Banker Willaen (54066)
  • Merchant Vaelias (54067)
  • Samatansyn Flamecaller (54071)
  • Aliafya Mistrunner (54072)
  • Cerila Windrider (54077)
  • Verth Mistwielder (54078)
  • Aleena Lightleaf (54079)
  • Horth Evergreen (54080)
  • Zelli Starsfire (54081)
  • Uleen Laughingwater (54082)
  • Devin Ashwood (54085)
  • Lily Ashwood (54086)
  • Heartwood Master (54087)
  • Maesyn Trueshot (54088)
  • Merchant Niwiny (54103)
  • Bilrio Surecut (54104)
  • Ran Sunfire (54108)
  • Dill Fireshine (54109)
  • Merchant Lanin (54128)
  • Merchant Kaeluase (54129)
  • Merchant Ueaas (54130)
  • Merchant Kweili (54131)
  • Merchant Laedar (54132)
  • Merchant Aildien (54133)
  • Merchant Aluuvila (54134)
  • Merchant Tilluen (54135)
  • Merchant Sylnis (54136)
  • Merchant Weaolanae (54137)
  • Merchant Kanoldar (54138)
  • Merchant Tiladinya (54139)
  • Merchant Neaien (54140)
  • Merchant Winerasea (54141)
  • Merchant Minamas (54142)
  • Merchant Gerienae (54143)
  • Merchant Legweien (54144)
  • Innkeep Anisyla (54145)
  • Innkeep Wuleran (54146)
  • Innkeep Larya (54147)
  • Innkeep Linen (54148)
  • Barkeep Tvanla (54149)
  • Barkeep Sissya (54150)
  • Barkeep Aanlawen (54151)
  • Barkeep Myrisa (54152)
  • Barkeep Lysslan (54153)
  • Barkeep Tuviena (54154)
  • Barkeep Syntan (54155)
  • Barkeep Uulianu (54156)
  • Barkeep Manlawen (54157)
  • Merchant Aianya (54158)
  • Merchant Iludarae (54159)
  • Merchant Kwein (54160)
  • Merchant Tinolwenya (54161)
  • Merchant Uaylain (54162)
  • Merchant Tananie (54163)
  • Merchant Tegdian (54164)
  • Merchant Ainaiana (54165)
  • Merchant Nildar (54166)
  • Merchant Aluwenae (54167)
  • Merchant Linolyen (54168)
  • Merchant Nluolian (54169)
  • Merchant Gaeadin (54170)
  • Merchant Gililya (54173)
  • Merchant Tuluvdar (54174)
  • Merchant Milania (54175)
  • Merchant Muvien (54176)
  • Srendon Gladetender (54184)
  • Grynn (54105)

  • in The Lesser Faydark by
  • pained unicorn (57035)
  • Anelia Thrywiel (57083)

  • in The Nektulos Forest by
  • An Arcane Elementalist (25362)
  • An Arcane Incantator (25369)
  • An Arcane Shapeshifter (25372)

  • in The Plane of Growth by
  • # Tunare (127001)
  • a protector of growth (127002)
  • a protector of growth (127003)
  • a thifling focuser (127005)
  • a thifling focuser (127006)
  • Guardian of Tunare (127007)
  • a spirit flux wolf (127010)
  • a spirit flux wolf (127008)
  • a spirit flux wolf (127012)
  • a spirit flux wolf (127011)
  • a reverent treant (127013)
  • a mosscovered treant (127014)
  • Undogo Digolo (127015)
  • keeper of the glades (127016)
  • Sarik the Fang (127017)
  • Fayl Everstrong (127018)
  • Rumbleroot (127019)
  • Ail the Elder (127020)
  • Treah Greenroot (127021)
  • Grahl Strongback (127022)
  • Galiel Spirithoof (127023)
  • an entoling harvester (127026)
  • a tranquil treant (127030)
  • a skittering forest spirit (127032)
  • a skittering forest spirit (127033)
  • Guardian of Takish (127035)
  • entrancing water nymph (127036)
  • a guardian power (127037)
  • a contemplative thifling (127038)
  • Ordros assistant (127039)
  • Ordro (127040)
  • a thifling sprite (127000)
  • a thifling orator (127041)
  • Tunarean Earthmelder (127042)
  • a thifling lord (127043)
  • a thifling chanter (127044)
  • a vigilant convoker (127045)
  • a mumbling totem man (127046)
  • Ancient Totem (127047)
  • an entoling essence channeler (127028)
  • an entoling essence channeler (127103)
  • a feral amalgam (127048)
  • a feral amalgam (127049)
  • a phase puma (127029)
  • a feral amalgam (127050)
  • a serene forest spirit (127024)
  • a feral amalgam (127051)
  • a feral amalgam (127052)
  • a sylvan protector (127053)
  • a sylvan protector (127055)
  • a serene forest spirit (127025)
  • an entoling essence conduit (127057)
  • an entoling essence conduit (127102)
  • an entoling culler (127027)
  • a feral amalgam (127058)
  • a feral amalgam (127059)
  • a feral amalgam (127060)
  • a sylvan protector (127061)
  • a feral amalgam (127062)
  • a bloodthorned spectre (127063)
  • a sylvan protector (127056)
  • a sylvan protector (127054)
  • a spirit flux wolf (127009)
  • a sanguine kodiak (127064)
  • a sanguine kodiak (127066)
  • a sanguine kodiak (127065)
  • a glade stalker (127067)
  • a glade stalker (127069)
  • a glade stalker (127070)
  • a spirit stalker (127071)
  • a glade stalker (127068)
  • a glade stalker (127073)
  • a gale wolf (127074)
  • a gale wolf (127075)
  • a gale wolf (127076)
  • a gale wolf (127077)
  • a rolling plains steed (127078)
  • a rolling plains steed (127079)
  • a rolling plains steed (127080)
  • a rolling plains steed (127081)
  • a glade stalker (127072)
  • a rolling plains steed (127082)
  • a rolling plains steed (127083)
  • a rolling plains steed (127084)
  • a rolling plains steed (127086)
  • a gale wolf (127087)
  • a gale wolf (127089)
  • a rolling plains steed (127090)
  • a rolling plains steed (127091)
  • a rolling plains steed (127092)
  • Farstride Unicorn (127093)
  • a gale wolf (127094)
  • a gale wolf (127088)
  • a rolling plains steed (127085)
  • a rolling plains steed (127095)
  • Prince Thirneg (127096)
  • a whorl of natural energy (127104)
  • Guardian of Tunare (127106)

  • in The Rathe Mountains by
  • Guard Dykalin (50214)

  • in Timorous Deep by
  • Seloris Windweaver (96066)

  • in West Freeport by
  • Jyle Windshot (9008)
  • Linadian (9011)
  • Pandos Flintside (9057)