Wand of Tranquility

Class: ENC
Race: ALL

Size: TINY
Weight: 0.5
Skill: 1HB
Rec Level: 60
Req Level: 55
AC: 15
HP: 75
Mana: 75
Base Damage: 25
Delay: 30
Damage bonus: 13
Intelligence: 25
Charisma: 25
Magic Resist: 25
Fire Resist: 25
Cold Resist: 25
Disease Resist: 25
Poison Resist: 25

Slot 1: Type 4
Slot 2: Type 20
Click Effect: Irmo's Endless Intellect (Casting time: 10 sec)
Charges: Unlimited

Lore: Wand of Tranquility

Value: 0 0 0 0

This item is dropped in zones

This item has been not yet been discovered.