Stave of the Eternal

Attuneable | Magic
Class: BST MNK
Race: ALL

Weight: 2.8
Skill: 2HB
Rec Level: 60
AC: 15
HP: 120
Mana: 105
End: 105
Base Damage: 35
Delay: 28
Damage bonus: 35
Stamina: 12
Intelligence: 16
Wisdom: 16
Agility: 16
Dexterity: 16
Magic Resist: 14
Fire Resist: 14
Cold Resist: 14
Disease Resist: 14

Slot 1: Type 4
Slot 2: Type 20
Combat Effect: Planar Strike
Level for effect: 50
Effect chance modifier: 100%

Lore: This aged staff seems to mold to your hands

Value: 0 0 0 0

This item is dropped in zones

This item has been not yet been discovered.