Recover the Lost Map


  • Type: Regular Quest
  • Minimum Level: 67
  • Maximum Level: 0
  • Repeatable: No
  • Quest Rewards(s):
    • Experience: 9,600,000
    • Money 216p 5g 6s 2c


    As much as most of us respect and revere all life, we have come up against a problem that does tax our beliefs and we need assistance. The pumas of the temple are not to blame for their anger toward us. Norrathians are to blame for disturbing the sacred lands of the dragons and stirring hatred of us. We must accept this error and deal with the consequences. The pumas have killed one of our cartographers in Stillmoon Temple who was sent to create maps to guide you in tasks there. Sadly, those maps have not been found and may be used against the sacred creatures of the temple, as well as the Keepers.
