
Exp Modifier :1.00

Succor point : X (-1331) Y (-521) Z (26)

Mob Item Drops

Icon Name Item type
Acantuss Seed Armor
Alkaline Loam Gems
Bauble of Greater Subterfuge Armor
Bauble of Infused Subterfuge Armor
Bixie Alchemy Notes Armor
Bixie Evolution Page 1 Armor
Bixie Evolution Page 2 Armor
Bixie Evolution Page 3 Armor
Bixie Evolution Page 4 Armor
Bixie Evolution Page 5 Armor
Bixie Evolution Page 6 Armor
Bixie Evolution Page 7 Armor
Bixie Meat Gems
Bixie Parts Combinable
Bixie Poison Gland Gems
Bixie Stinger Gems
Bixie Wing Combinable
Bone Chips Combinable
Bronze Axe 1HS
Bronze Bastard Sword 1HS
Bronze Battle Axe 1HS
Bronze Boots Armor
Bronze Bracers Armor
Bronze Breastplate Armor
Bronze Brigandine Boots Armor
Bronze Brigandine Bracelet Armor
Bronze Brigandine Cape Armor
Bronze Brigandine Coat Armor
Bronze Brigandine Coif Armor
Bronze Brigandine Gloves Armor
Bronze Brigandine Mantle Armor
Bronze Brigandine Neckguard Armor
Bronze Brigandine Pants Armor
Bronze Brigandine Skirt Armor
Bronze Brigandine Sleeves Armor
Bronze Brigandine Visor Armor
Bronze Broad Sword 1HS
Bronze Claymore 2HS
Bronze Collar Armor
Bronze Dagger Piercing
Bronze Flail 1HB
Bronze Gauntlets Armor
Bronze Girdle Armor
Bronze Greaves Armor
Bronze Halberd 2HS
Bronze Helm Armor
Bronze Knuckles Martial
Bronze Long Sword 1HS
Bronze Mace 1HB
Bronze Main Gauche Piercing
Bronze Mask Armor
Bronze Morning Star 1HB
Bronze Pauldron Armor
Bronze Rapier Piercing
Bronze Scimitar 1HS
Bronze Scythe 2HS
Bronze Short Sword 1HS
Bronze Shortened Spear Piercing
Bronze Spear Piercing
Bronze Two Handed Battle Axe 2HS
Bronze Two Handed Hammer 2HB
Bronze Two Handed Sword 2HS
Bronze Ulak Martial
Bronze Vambraces Armor
Bronze Warclub 1HB
Bronze Warhammer 1HB
Bulb Lotus Combinable
Carnage Cloak Armor
Clump of Bixie Pollen Augmentation
Consigned Bite of the Shissar II Potion
Consigned Bite of the Shissar IV Potion
Consigned Bite of the Shissar V Potion
Consigned Bite of the Shissar VI Potion
Corrupted Sapphire Amulet Augmentation
Cracked Giant Wasp Thorax Gems
Crude Spinneret Fluid Gems
Cultivated Jumjum Pollen Gems
Damp Marrow Gems
Delectable Bixie Wing Armor
Desiccated Marrow Gems
Drape of the Fray Armor
Dry Marrow Gems
Dusty Marrow Gems
Elementary Binding Powder Combinable
Emerald Combinable
Fine Bone Chips Combinable
Fine Skeleton Bones Combinable
Fine Steel Dagger Piercing
Fine Steel Long Sword 1HS
Fine Steel Morning Star 1HB
Fine Steel Rapier Piercing
Fine Steel Scimitar 1HS
Fine Steel Spear Piercing
Fine Steel Two Handed Sword 2HS
Fine Steel Wakizashi 1HS
Fine Steel Warhammer 1HB
Fresh Jumjum Armor
Giant Wasp Eye Gems
Giant Wasp Legs Gems
Giant Wasp Stinger Gems
Giant Wasp Venom Sac Gems
Giant Wasp Wing Gems
Girdle of Defoliation Armor
Halfling Blood Gems
Halfling Parts Combinable
Hive Defender's Orb of Stinging Fury Augmentation
Hive Poisonmaker's Chain Wristguard Armor
Hive Poisonmaker's Coif Armor
Hive Poisonmaker's Cuirass Armor
Hive Worker's Leather Gloves Armor
Hive Worker's Leather Wristguard Armor
Honey-Covered Journal Armor
Honeycomb Gems
Imposter Clue Armor
Intact Bixie Antennae Armor
Intact Bixie Flesh Armor
Intact Bixie Scent Gland Armor
Intact Bixie Wing Armor
Intact Stone Hive Insignia Armor
Intricately Patterned Spider Carapace Gems
Jumjum Jam Armor
Jumjum Wine Armor
Malachite Combinable
Malleable Loam Gems
Meager Pale Fear Shard Gems
Modest Binding Powder Combinable
Moist Marrow Gems
Natural Spinneret Fluid Gems
Orb of Forgiveness Armor
Pelzia's Golden Bauble Armor
Peridot Combinable
Pliant Loam Gems
Pod of Water Drink
Preserved Kithicor Baneleaf Gems
Processed Jumjum Armor
Putrid Skeleton Bones Combinable
Refined Jumjum Pollen Gems
Ring of the Bixie Queen Armor
Ripe Bixie Head Armor
Royal Mantle of Stone Hive Armor
Rusty Axe 1HS
Rusty Bastard Sword 1HS
Rusty Battle Axe 1HS
Rusty Broad Sword 1HS
Rusty Dagger Piercing
Rusty Flail 1HB
Rusty Halberd 2HS
Rusty Knuckles Martial
Rusty Long Sword 1HS
Rusty Mace 1HB
Rusty Mining Pick Piercing
Rusty Morning Star 1HB
Rusty Rapier Piercing
Rusty Scimitar 1HS
Rusty Scythe 2HS
Rusty Sheer Blade 1HS
Rusty Short Sword 1HS
Rusty Shortened Spear Piercing
Rusty Spear Piercing
Rusty Two Handed Battle Axe 2HS
Rusty Two Handed Hammer 2HB
Rusty Two Handed Sword 2HS
Rusty Ulak Martial
Rusty Warhammer 1HB
Salty Loam Gems
Saving Salve Armor
Scourge of Dismemberment 2HS
Scrumptious Bixie Antennae Armor
Shambling Vegetables Gems
Shambling Vines Gems
Silvril Ore Gems
Singed Orb of the Hive Augmentation
Skeleton Parts Combinable
Small Bronze Boots Armor
Small Bronze Bracers Armor
Small Bronze Breastplate Armor
Small Bronze Brigandine Belt Armor
Small Bronze Brigandine Boots Armor
Small Bronze Brigandine Bracelet Armor
Small Bronze Brigandine Cape Armor
Small Bronze Brigandine Coif Armor
Small Bronze Brigandine Gloves Armor
Small Bronze Brigandine Mantle Armor
Small Bronze Brigandine Neckguard Armor
Small Bronze Brigandine Pants Armor
Small Bronze Brigandine Sleeves Armor
Small Bronze Brigandine Visor Armor
Small Bronze Collar Armor
Small Bronze Gauntlets Armor
Small Bronze Girdle Armor
Small Bronze Greaves Armor
Small Bronze Helm Armor
Small Bronze Mask Armor
Small Bronze Pauldron Armor
Small Bronze Vambraces Armor
Small Raw-hide Belt Armor
Small Raw-hide Boots Armor
Small Raw-hide Cloak Armor
Small Raw-hide Gloves Armor
Small Raw-hide Gorget Armor
Small Raw-hide Leggings Armor
Small Raw-hide Mask Armor
Small Raw-hide Shoulderpads Armor
Small Raw-hide Skullcap Armor
Small Raw-hide Sleeves Armor
Small Raw-hide Tunic Armor
Small Raw-hide Wristbands Armor
Spider Legs Combinable
Spider Mandible Gems
Spider Silk Combinable
Spider Venom Sac Combinable
Spiked Buckler of Defoliation Shield
Splinted Bronze Cloak Armor
Sporali Cap Combinable
Sporali Eye Gems
Sporali Parts Gems
Sporali Spores Combinable
Sticky Lotus Sap Combinable
Sullied Spinneret Fluid Gems
Sunshard Dust Combinable
Sunshard Pebble Combinable
Supple Loam Gems
Sweet Lotus Sap Combinable
Symplokiss Sap Armor
Tacky Spinneret Fluid Gems
Thick Spinneret Fluid Gems
Tiny Dark Fear Shard Gems
Unrefined Honeycomb Armor
Venomous Stonehive Stinger Piercing
Violasuthia Petal Armor