
Exp Modifier :0.00

Succor point : X (1) Y (-262) Z (0)


Agralta99 - 99 AlaranNamed
Alchemist Vaskerin95 - 95 AlaranNamed
captured dragon hatchling97 - 97 DragonNamed
Infiltrator Tesara96 - 96 AlaranNamed
Planner Ulnos95 - 95 AlaranNamed
Planner VansethQuests96 - 96 AlaranNamed
Thado PennQuests96 - 96 HumanNamed
Thelasa Eselren96 - 96 AlaranNamed
Therin the Ancient95 - 95 AlaranNamed
Alra ser alsa96 - 96 AlaranNormal
an Alra ser alsa97 - 97 AlaranNormal
an alsa construct95 - 95 Blind DreamerNormal
an alsa thelara initiate94 - 94 IksarNormal
an alsa thelara worker96 - 96 AlaranNormal
an alsa thel selyrah96 - 96 SelyrahNormal
an animated alsa construct95 - 95 Blind DreamerNormal
an arable mound95 - 95 Shambling MoundNormal
an arbiter ereth of law97 - 97 AlaranNormal
an arbiter ereth of order98 - 98 AlaranNormal
an archon of alsa thelara96 - 96 AlaranNormal
an armipotent ser alsa thel97 - 97 TelmiraNormal
an armored tideshell94 - 94 TureptaNormal
an ascended ser alsa thel98 - 98 TelmiraNormal
an dense mound94 - 94 Shambling MoundNormal
an engorged ser alsa thel98 - 98 AlaranNormal
an enraptured ser alsa thel96 - 96 TelmiraNormal
an ereth of Alra96 - 96 AlaranNormal
an ereth of order95 - 95 AlaranNormal
an fertile mound96 - 96 Shambling MoundNormal
an herbivorous prowler94 - 94 PumaNormal
an imbued ser alsa thel97 - 97 AlaranNormal
an infant eel95 - 95 WitheranNormal
an infused alsa construct95 - 95 Blind DreamerNormal
an overgrown mound94 - 94 Shambling MoundNormal
a battered sentry stone99 - 99 Alaran Sentry StoneNormal
a beacon of light95 - 95 Crystal SphereNormal
a bead of light94 - 94 Crystal SphereNormal
a bladed ereth of law96 - 96 AlaranNormal
a bladed ereth of order97 - 97 AlaranNormal
a bladeguide of alsa thelara96 - 96 AlaranNormal
a blade master of alsa thelara97 - 97 AlaranNormal
a blade mentor of alsa thelara96 - 96 AlaranNormal
a blade overseer of alsa thelara98 - 98 AlaranNormal
a blind scavenger95 - 95 Parasitic ScavengerNormal
a boastful tricrystal94 - 94 Hydra CrystalNormal
a body of darkness95 - 95 ShadeNormal
a bone amalgamation95 - 95 Bone GolemNormal
a bone mass94 - 94 Bone GolemNormal
a brooding selyrah94 - 94 SelyrahNormal
a brutalizer of alsa thelara96 - 96 AlaranNormal
a calcified ser thel95 - 95 SkeletonNormal
a carnifex of alsa thelara95 - 95 AlaranNormal
a carrier of arcanum95 - 95 GargoyleNormal
a commanding wind95 - 95 Book DervishNormal
a crystalline healer96 - 96 Crystal SphereNormal
a deceased thelasa95 - 95 Alaran GhostNormal
a defender of alsa thel96 - 96 Blind DreamerNormal
a denuded ser thel95 - 95 SkeletonNormal
a departed thelasa95 - 95 Alaran GhostNormal
a disfigured thelasa ser96 - 96 ZombieNormal
a disgusting soul95 - 95 Crystal SphereNormal
a fleshless ser thel94 - 94 SkeletonNormal
a flow of alsa thel97 - 97 GooNormal
a forgotten spirit95 - 95 Alaran GhostNormal
a gale liege96 - 96 DrakeNormal
a gale servant95 - 95 DrakeNormal
a gleaming stonewalker94 - 94 GolemNormal
a greensward walker94 - 94 Spider QueenNormal
a guardian of alsa thel97 - 97 Blind DreamerNormal
a hardened tideshell94 - 94 TureptaNormal
a loamy pile95 - 95 Shambling MoundNormal
a luminous stonewalker96 - 96 GolemNormal
a moss jumble94 - 94 Shambling MoundNormal
a mutated thel imbiber96 - 96 GargoyleNormal
a nesting goral94 - 94 GoralNormal
a penitent of Beloth95 - 95 SkeletonNormal
a petrified ser thel96 - 96 SkeletonNormal
a plated tideshell96 - 96 TureptaNormal
a pool of alsa thel96 - 96 GooNormal
a proud tricrystal95 - 95 Hydra CrystalNormal
a purified soul95 - 95 Crystal SphereNormal
a ravenous raptor96 - 96 RaptorNormal
a resplendent soul95 - 95 Crystal SphereNormal
a revenant of thelasa98 - 98 Alaran GhostNormal
a savage raptor94 - 94 RaptorNormal
a sea funnel95 - 95 DervishNormal
a sentry stone99 - 99 Alaran Sentry StoneNormal
a shouting element94 - 94 Air ElementalNormal
a shroud of thelasa97 - 97 Alaran GhostNormal
a soul of darkness95 - 95 ShadeNormal
a soul of nature95 - 95 Earth ElementalNormal
a spirit of nature95 - 95 Earth ElementalNormal
a starving raptor96 - 96 RaptorNormal
a steel droplet94 - 94 GooNormal
a steel hurricane95 - 95 DervishNormal
a steel mass96 - 96 GooNormal
a steel tornado95 - 95 DervishNormal
a sublime tricrystal96 - 96 Hydra CrystalNormal
a swirling voice94 - 94 Book DervishNormal
a tarnished soul95 - 95 Crystal SphereNormal
a territorial goral95 - 95 GoralNormal
a thelara alsa ril of Alra98 - 98 AlaranNormal
a thel eel95 - 95 WitheranNormal
a tide creeper95 - 95 CrabNormal
a tide drain96 - 96 DervishNormal
a tide drifter95 - 95 CrabNormal
a torturer of alsa thelara97 - 97 AlaranNormal
a transcendent adherent95 - 95 TelmiraNormal
a transfigured thel imbiber97 - 97 GargoyleNormal
a vessel of arcanum95 - 95 GargoyleNormal
a vicious raptor94 - 94 RaptorNormal
a visage of darkness95 - 95 ShadeNormal
a vociferous element96 - 96 Air ElementalNormal
a whirlwind of steel95 - 95 DervishNormal
a wind egg1 - 1 Dragon EggNormal
a wind liege96 - 96 DrakeNormal
a wind servant95 - 95 DrakeNormal
a wizened thelasa95 - 95 AlaranNormal
a worn sentry stone99 - 99 Alaran Sentry StoneNormal
a zephyr of steel94 - 94 DervishNormal
FSP`General`NoEffect1 - 1 CampfireNormal
thel ereth ril99 - 99 AlaranNormal
torturer of alsa thelara98 - 98 AlaranNormal